These products are compatible with 2016 Toyota Highlander.
Collection: 2016 Toyota Highlander
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151 Products
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCG-100856T
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x Genius Disc Rotor, and 2x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100856T Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $691.79 CADRegular price$946.08 CADSale price $691.79 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCG-100827C
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x Genius Disc Rotor, and 2x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100827C Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $682.12 CADRegular price$932.84 CADSale price $682.12 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCG-100323C
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Genius Disc Rotor, and 1x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100323C Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $290.87 CADRegular price$397.78 CADSale price $290.87 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCG-100322P
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Genius Disc Rotor, and 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100322P Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $291.95 CADRegular price$399.25 CADSale price $291.95 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCG-100312S
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Genius Disc Rotor, and 1x SIM Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100312S Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $287.77 CADRegular price$393.56 CADSale price $287.77 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCG-100298T
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Genius Disc Rotor, and 1x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100298T Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $295.46 CADRegular price$404.07 CADSale price $295.46 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCG-100089N
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Genius Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100089N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $409.19 CADRegular price$559.60 CADSale price $409.19 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCG-100088N
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Genius Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCG-100088N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $413.57 CADRegular price$565.58 CADSale price $413.57 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCD-101375N
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-101375N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $339.00 CADRegular price$463.61 CADSale price $339.00 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCD-101374N
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-101374N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $342.69 CADRegular price$468.65 CADSale price $342.69 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100599N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100599N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $797.60 CADRegular price$1,090.77 CADSale price $797.60 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100598N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100598N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $801.28 CADRegular price$1,095.79 CADSale price $801.28 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100597N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100597N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $801.98 CADRegular price$1,096.75 CADSale price $801.98 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100596N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100596N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $805.68 CADRegular price$1,101.79 CADSale price $805.68 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCD-100502T
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100502T Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $333.86 CADRegular price$456.59 CADSale price $333.86 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCD-100498P
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100498P Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $330.34 CADRegular price$451.77 CADSale price $330.34 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCD-100491C
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100491C Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $329.28 CADRegular price$450.29 CADSale price $329.28 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KCD-100484S
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x SIM Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100484S Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $326.18 CADRegular price$446.07 CADSale price $326.18 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100404T
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100404T Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $779.60 CADRegular price$1,066.15 CADSale price $779.60 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100238C
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100238C Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $769.92 CADRegular price$1,052.91 CADSale price $769.92 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100220P
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x Positive Plus Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100220P Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $772.82 CADRegular price$1,056.88 CADSale price $772.82 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100214S
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 2x SIM Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100214S Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $764.70 CADRegular price$1,045.77 CADSale price $764.70 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100193C
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100193C Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $440.65 CADRegular price$602.62 CADSale price $440.65 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100176T
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100176T Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $445.74 CADRegular price$609.58 CADSale price $445.74 CAD