These products are compatible with 2014 Lexus RX350.
Collection: 2014 Lexus RX350
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152 Products
Front Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100173P
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100173P Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $442.47 CADRegular price$605.12 CADSale price $442.47 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100067S
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x SIM Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100067S Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $438.51 CADRegular price$599.70 CADSale price $438.51 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100008N
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100008N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $458.59 CADRegular price$627.14 CADSale price $458.59 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Coated Caliper Drilled Slotted Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KCD-100007N
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x DS-One Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KCD-100007N Brand: Transit AutoOut of stockRegular price $462.98 CADRegular price$633.15 CADSale price $462.98 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-103021N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-103021N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $679.23 CADRegular price$928.89 CADSale price $679.23 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-103020N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-103020N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $683.62 CADRegular price$934.90 CADSale price $683.62 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-103019N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-103019N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $682.92 CADRegular price$933.94 CADSale price $682.92 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-103018N
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-103018N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $687.31 CADRegular price$939.92 CADSale price $687.31 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-101302T
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KC8-101302T Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $661.24 CADRegular price$904.29 CADSale price $661.24 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KC8-101298N
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-101298N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $286.18 CADRegular price$391.35 CADSale price $286.18 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KC8-101297N
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-101297N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $289.84 CADRegular price$396.39 CADSale price $289.84 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-101021P
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x Positive Plus Brake Pad Part #: KC8-101021P Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $654.45 CADRegular price$895.01 CADSale price $654.45 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100952C
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100952C Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $651.57 CADRegular price$891.06 CADSale price $651.57 CAD -
Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit (10Pc) For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100941S
Position: Front and Rear Includes: 4x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 4x TQ Disc Rotor, and 2x SIM Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100941S Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $646.34 CADRegular price$883.89 CADSale price $646.34 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100717T
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100717T Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $380.22 CADRegular price$519.96 CADSale price $380.22 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KC8-100536S
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x SIM Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100536S Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $273.34 CADRegular price$373.80 CADSale price $273.34 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100486N
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100486N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $393.08 CADRegular price$537.55 CADSale price $393.08 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100484N
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100484N Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $397.47 CADRegular price$543.54 CADSale price $397.47 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KC8-100439C
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100439C Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $276.41 CADRegular price$378.02 CADSale price $276.41 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KC8-100407P
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100407P Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $277.49 CADRegular price$379.50 CADSale price $277.49 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100203S
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x SIM Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100203S Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $372.99 CADRegular price$510.09 CADSale price $372.99 CAD -
Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 RX450h KC8-100044T
Position: Rear Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x TEC Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100044T Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $281.02 CADRegular price$384.32 CADSale price $281.02 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100006P
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100006P Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $376.95 CADRegular price$515.52 CADSale price $376.95 CAD -
Front Disc Brake Caliper Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For Toyota Highlander Sienna Lexus RX350 KC8-100006C
Position: Front Includes: 2x CMX Disc Brake Caliper, 2x TQ Disc Rotor, and 1x CMX Brake Pad Part #: KC8-100006C Brand: Transit AutoIn stockRegular price $375.14 CADRegular price$513.03 CADSale price $375.14 CAD